• Jadwal operasional dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Mohon cek jadwal ter-update di halaman home bxrink.com atau social media @bxrink.
  • Selama pelapisan es, arena es akan ditutup untuk seluruh skaters. Bagi skaters yang masih ingin melanjutkan ice skating dapat menunggu di waiting area.
    During the ice resurface, ice rink will be closed temporary for all skaters. For those who still want to continue the ice skating activity, please wait in the waiting area.
  • Loket kasir akan ditutup 15 menit sebelum jam pelapisan es, dan akan dibuka kembali 15 menit sebelum jam pelapisan es berakhir.
    Cashier stall will be closed 15 minutes before ice resurfacing time, and will be opened again 15 minutes before ice resurfacing time ends.
  • Wearing socks & gloves is mandatory
  • Non-refundable tickets cannot be returned for a refund
  • Ice resurface schedule:
    ⋄ MON—FRI
       14.30—15.00 | 17.00—17.30
    ⋄ SAT-SUN
       12.30—13.00 | 15.00—15.30 | 17.30—18.00
  • Operational hour changes:
    ⋄ MON | 9 Sept | 12.00—19.30
    ⋄ TUE | 10 Sept | 12.00—19.30
    ⋄ WED | 11 Sept | 12.00—20.00
    ⋄ THU | 12 Sept | 12.00—19.30
    ⋄ FRI | 13 Sept | 12.00—20.00
    ⋄ SAT | 14 Sept | 10.00—20.00
    ⋄ SUN | 15 Sept | 10.00—20.00